Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Snowy York

Part of me loves the chaos snow brings, it looks so beautiful on our terraced street in York with the amber glow the street lighting gives. It lights everything up.

 I had to make a trip to the post office today and I was sliding all over the place, it took a bit longer than usual. York looked so festive!
 This is me last night in my wool coat and scarf! My cat is sat on a hot water bottle under my blanket, ha, ha. Its safe to say little Chloe hasn't been out much in this freezing weather
I have to say I am very much looking forward to more snow despite the cold, we all run around too much like headless chickens and the snow slows everyone down a bit. So stop panicking, cozy up with a hot chocolate in front of the telly and enjoy, that's what I say.

1 comment:

  1. York is such a lovely place -I would love to see it with the lights and snow! Keep warm xx
