Monday, 30 January 2012

Bootham Christmas Exhibiton

This is a bit of a delayed blog post but I have just been sorting out my photos today into folders (rare occurrence) and found these from Christmas! apologies for the dark photos!

All the staff at Bootham were invited to submit pieces of work, all displayed in the main hall corridoor

In mid - display, the two blue pieces are by Emily Harper the current resident artist. Beautiful, sensitive oil paintings of reflections and delicate lighting through glass.

These were the 52 postcards submitted from all the staff, brilliant selection, humorous, inventive, sad, delicate, constructed, woven etc...the idea, organised by the resident artist was to use the surface of the postcard to create a piece of art, poetry, textiles etc on any subject, the results were fantastic.

This was the postcard I submitted. A miniature version of one of my bags and next to it is a poem within a crossword. One of my favorites which I didn't manage to get a photo of was the science department submitted a Christmas tree that lit up!

This was meant to be my Christmas blog post, so happy belated Christmas!

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