Very friendly cattle! ....
Long walk to the Longview gallery, phew! notice I needed a stick!
Stunning Jaume Plensa work, sun is setting at this point. The beauty of having sculpture outside is that the range of photography is extended to the ever changing light and weather. It was as though the sculptures owned the land, were part of it and not just an "exhibition" but a presence.
Simply mind blowing... Sophie Ryder
Quirky and fun textiles by Donna Wilson in the main gallery
Jaume Plensa, like spirits on the landscape. I couldn't take my eyes off this piece of work
James Turrells Deer Shelter was such a calming experience, from the outside, bricked archway, inside, soft lighting, echoes and silence. As you look up a perfect square cut from the ceiling, exposed to the elements of cloud and sky. Simply beautiful....
And of course Henry Moore. Lots of his work scattered organically across the fields. As it got dark we discussed the presence of these enormous works, what is their purpose in the night when we are no longer here to ponder over their meaning.
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